so I'm going off on to a vacation right now. nothing big though just a well deserved weekend vacay with friends.. in fashion week, stress is an understatement. and surfing was always been like my dream thing to do and so my friends and i are off to San Juan, La Union surf spot of the PH baby! yea we traded it off to Palawan instead. good thing there's more guys than chicks on our clique in this situation. (hehe forgive me girls)
anyway so i needed a cute and efficient (hala marketing's rubbing in on me na LOL) and i decided to finally use Victoria's Secret Chic Weekender bag i know i know this bag retails for 2,000php and above off from other sites but FORTUNATELY VS had this big sale and ate Ray (from was soooo gracious enough to let us in with the news and for a fraction of the price, i got this baby for 950php only HAH!!!!! hella cheap right? beat that recessionista chicks!
and i wanted to share to you girls how big and spacious it really is.... so here
almost as big as our stairs haha
P.S.: sorry the background looks hella messy, it's actually the coat's textile getting ready for cutting for our fall/winter line. (but that's another story)
until next time..
see you around at vanity boulevard =}
until next time..
see you around at vanity boulevard =}